• Esophagus - Where the food from the mother entered into the fetal pig, that allo
• Jugular Vein - The main artery in the body, located in the throat area. All blood circulates through this vein. In the fetal pig it was larger than most other arteries found (as well as a very bright blue for colour indication). In fact when taken out, a lab technician could look directly through it much like a straw.
• Heart - The heart pumps blood through the body. In the pig it was very small, fitting in the palms of a persons hand. When cut open it revealed the main chambers as well as thin slices of veins going through it and the two main arteries for
• Liver - Helps to break down food, it was located just below the middle of the fetal pigs body. It was fairly large, slightly bigger than the heart and a deep brown colour. When cut through it was a very dense material looking almost like clay. The liver in the pig would be used for food and to help fight off
• Spleen - The spleen was located in the abdomen, it gets rid of old red blood cells as well as recycles iron in the body and is like a blood reserve.
• Stomach - The stomach is where food is broken down through stomach acid, in the fetal pig it was located beneath the liver. It was a squishy, lighter colour, almost a gray and a pink colour. When cut open what looked like bile as well as tiny green balls gushed from the stomach in a creamy off white, liquid.
• Large, Small Intestines - Bound into a roll at the bottom half of the pig they b
• Scrotal Sac - Located near the end of the of the body, right by the rectum, between the legs of the pig, were two tiny sacs. They hung in a fashion, with what looked to be a clear liquid inside them. They were certainly the most noticeable for what they were. Shaped much like tears drops they were located before the penis attached to the tubes that became the penis.
• Rectum - At the end of the body, located beneath the tail. It was connected to the large and small intestines and is the space where waste can be divulged from the body.
• Penis - The penis was a tiny flap of skin, barely noticeable lest for the scrotal sacs around it. Looking much like a tube it wound out of the body.
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